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24 June 2021, 14:00

ПОКА НЕ ГОТОВО Property in demand: Increase in prices is a matter of time

Prices for building materials are rising. The first to feel the ‘charms' of the new reality were owners of dachas and cottages - all those whose rural retreats and countryside cottages are still under construction. The state regulator had to get involved to regulate, for example, rising prices for timber. Let's see how rising prices for building materials can affect the prices of apartments in new houses.

How to work with suppliers

Suppliers react to the situation quickly – they change prices instantly in accordance with the market demand. In fact, everything is clear here: when there is an opportunity to sell at higher prices, companies actively use it.

Another thing is that large customers can influence the situation from the other side, restraining the appetites of suppliers. For example, the well-known developer Dana Holdings has dozens of suppliers, if not hundreds, including flagships of the construction industry of the country. The company actively cooperates with them having concluded long-term and mutually beneficial agreements with major suppliers, which helps each side to cope with the tasks successfully.

This spring, the developer negotiated with all major suppliers an increase in supplies of building materials and equipment - by 30-50% or more compared to last year.

The developer negotiated with all major suppliers an increase in supplies of building materials and equipment - by 30-50% or more compared to last year

The developer explained that it decided to complete major works in the Minsk World complex much earlier than the terms stipulated by the investment agreement. Therefore, it felt the need to increase the volume of supplies

Major works in Minsk World are to be completed much earlier than the terms stipulated by the investment agreement

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dana Holdings Vibor Mulic explained:

"We have provided long-term financing to suppliers of key materials and equipment and also reduced profitability, which gives us an opportunity to keep prices at the same level for a certain time, even if market trends change. We work a lot in this direction, and we are almost certain that the prices for real estate in the Minsk World complex will not change until September.

Vibor Mulic, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dana Holdings

Strategy and tactics

The strategic task of the developer, as it has repeatedly stressed, is to ensure that every Belarusian family with a stable income has an opportunity to buy an apartment. To achieve this goal, Dana Holdings pursues a flexible pricing policy that takes into account the interests of families with different incomes. The most attractive prices in the Belarusian market are supported with the help of attractive financial instruments and also with the use of promos and special offers for different categories of the population.

Vibor Mulic said that the company pursues one and the same tactics in any country where it works by offering the most attractive tools to finance the purchase. In Belarus, for example, the company provides clients with interest-free installments, a loan, in fact, for up to 100 months. This costs the developer about €220 million. But as Vibor Mulic points out, this is an important step to make sure housing is affordable for people from all walks of life.

We are a socially responsible business, therefore during the pandemic we offered special bonuses to doctors and teachers. Our mission is not to make money as fast as possible, but to build high-quality and affordable housing. At the moment, we offer a large selection of apartments and we promise customers who have signed a contract that prices for them will not change,” Vibor Mulic said.

Will prices go up?

Building materials have risen in price throughout the world, including in Europe, due to the increased interest of investors in real estate. Savings accounts in the European Union and the United States bear low interest rates, and some banks even charge for managing deposited money. According to Vibor Mulic, his friend from Spain had an unpleasant surprise - his bank charged him €100 for a minor activity on his account.

When keeping money in banks is not very profitable, people try to find other ways to make their money work. Hence, the interest in real estate – investing in property is more profitable than putting money on savings accounts.

The Belarusian economy follows global and European trends, and people in Belarus tend to buy real estate instead of keeping cash under the mattress. The neighboring Poland is a case in point. In April 2021, Poles had PLN182 billion on checking accounts, down by PLN107 billion over March 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic. And most of this money was directed into the real estate market.

Poles keep their money on current accounts to be able to respond quickly to emerging opportunities. In April 2021, money on current accounts, according to the National Bank of Poland, amounted to PLN745 billion, up by PLN171 billion compared to the period before the pandemic.

This is confirmed by research results. According to Tavex, real estate and gold are considered the most desirable assets today. Santander Bank Polska's report findings also suggest a keen interest in real estate: 22% of respondents having savings consider investing them in the real estate market within the next 12 months.

According to Metrohouse & Gold Finance, apartments ranging from 35m2 to 50m2 (35% of real estate purchases) and from 50m2 to 65m2 (25%) are the most popular types of real estate in big cities. One-bedroom apartments have a higher rental potential than studios. In Warsaw, for example, the share of secondary-market apartments smaller than 35m2 previously accounted for 15% of the market, and later their share dropped to 7%.

And one more figure: according to a report by Metrohouse & Gold Finance, the average price for apartments over the past year has grown the most in Wroclaw, Gdansk and Lodz - by 12-13%, and in Warsaw and Krakow - by 7%.

Vibor Mulic believes that Belarus might follow the European scenario:

“It can be assumed that the rise in prices for building materials will certainly affect the prices for apartments in the near future. This is inevitable, and one must be prepared for this.”

As a businessman with extensive international experience, Vibor Mulic cannot predict how the rise in prices will affect the Belarusian real estate market as a whole. But he says that he sees no reasons for solid developers to slow down the construction pace. Dana Holdings has repeatedly announced that it is going to complete the bulk of the work in the Minsk World complex ahead of schedule.

– За 40 лет работы в этом бизнесе в нескольких десятках стран я заметил определенные законы развития рынка. Но за это время никогда не было такого стечения обстоятельств, которое нарушило бы главный принцип – подтолкнуть покупателей и инвесторов к единственно возможному рациональному решению: инвестировать в недвижимость. Мой совет, конечно, не хранить деньги в доме, а вкладывать их в недвижимость. Или же возвращать в банковские потоки, – уверяет Вибор Мулич.

По его словам, эта тенденция, безусловно, будет долгосрочной, поскольку рынок недвижимости очень инертен.


Minsk World – один из самых престижных проектов в Европе. Недавняя ярмарка недвижимости в Москве показала большой интерес к этому комплексу, как в жилой, так и в коммерческой части. На данный момент компания заключает контракты уже на те площади, которые будут сданы в 2023 году. А в ближайшее время намерена последовательно выставить на продажу 16 жилых зданий, построенных на собственные средства.

Minsk World – один из самых престижных проектов в Европе

– Мы не сомневаемся, что покупатели и из Беларуси, и из других стран высоко оценят это предложение – по соотношению цены и качества наша компания предлагает очень привлекательные варианты. А инвестиционная ценность проектов в сфере недвижимости доказала свою несомненную прибыльность нашим многолетним опытом и мировой практикой, – считает Вибор Мулич.

Как показывает практика застройщика, ситуация на рынке, как это ни парадоксально, вызвала огромный рост продаж с начала года, а в последние месяцы наблюдается значительное увеличение спроса на коммерческие площади.

Повышенный интерес покупателей и инвесторов к недвижимости вызывает еще одно явление – покупатели становятся все более требовательными. Все чаще выбор определяет не цена, а месторасположение и качественные характеристики жилья.

– Мы постоянно повышаем стандарты и качество строительства. Поэтому в каждом из наших зданий есть санитарная комната в холле входной группы, чтобы мамам не приходилось возвращаться домой. Есть специальные места для домашних животных. Есть байкбоксы и колясочные. Есть шикарные холлы эксклюзивного дизайна и с видеонаблюдением, во многих домах даже есть панорамные лифты. Спортивные и детские площадки со специальным покрытием и самым современным оборудованием. Велодорожки, которые свяжут все кварталы комплекса. Множество коммерческих помещений. Это новый уровень жилищного строительства – и новый уровень городской среды, – уверяет Вибор Мулич.

Комплекс Minsk World

В комплексе Minsk World растут не только жилые дома. Вскоре начнется строительство нового городского парка площадью 10 га, уже строится Международный финансовый центр, а также самый большой в стране торгово-развлекательный центр. Параллельно ведется прокладка новой ветки Минского метрополитена. По мере строительства знаковых объектов, считает Вибор Мулич, рынок обязательно отреагирует на эти изменения повышенным спросом на недвижимость в этом районе.

– Каждый месяц комплекс Minsk World выходит на новый виток своего развития, и мы видим, что это поступательное и уверенное движение к намеченным целям, – говорит представитель застройщика.

Формулу "спрос рождает предложение" никто не отменял, и пока еще не удовлетворенный интерес к покупке своего жилья для тысяч белорусских семей означает, что новые комплексы будут расти. Будут, безусловно, расти и цены. Но недвижимость по-прежнему будет одним из лучших предложений для инвестиций.

Вывод напрашивается один – время терять не стоит! Сегодня заначка под матрасом – определенно финансовый моветон.

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