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10 May 2024, 19:56

Belarusian internal affairs minister praises cooperation with Russia in law enforcement

Photo courtesy of the Internal Affairs Ministry
Photo courtesy of the Internal Affairs Ministry
MINSK, 10 May (BelTA) – Interaction in law enforcement is a vivid example of constructive cooperation between Belarus and the Russian Federation. Belarusian Internal Affairs Minister Ivan Kubrakov mentioned it as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus Boris Gryzlov, the Internal Affairs Ministry press service told BelTA.

A delegation of the Belarusian Internal Affairs Ministry and Russian diplomats visited the center for training, advanced training, and retraining of Internal Affairs Ministry personnel in the village of Gorani, Minsk District on 10 May. They were made familiar with the physical infrastructure, peculiarities of training and patriotic upbringing of future law enforcement officers. Belarusian Deputy Internal Affairs Minister Dmitry Korzyuk and Chief of the Minsk City Police Department Mikhail Grib also took part in the event. Ivan Kubrakov noted that Belarus highly appreciates friendly relations with the Russian Federation. Advancing these relations in the future is one of the most important foreign policy priorities.

The internal affairs minister said: “Belarus-Russia interaction in law enforcement is a vivid example of constructive cooperation. We cooperate in various areas: interstate wanted lists, counteraction of criminal autobusiness, efforts to close the channels used to move narcotics and psychotropic substances, fight against transnational organized crime, terrorism, extremism, IT crimes, and illegal migration. We are always open to contacts. We have no and we can have no topics we’d rather not discuss.”

In turn, Boris Gryzlov thanked the Belarusian Internal Affairs Ministry for taking care of security during the casting of ballots as part of the Russian president election in Belarus. He expressed confidence that joint work in the sphere of public security and crime control will continue.

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