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05 November 2021, 19:33

Proper maintenance of An-12 aircraft that crashed near Irkutsk emphasized

MINSK, 5 November (BelTA) – The An-12 aircraft, which crashed near the Russian city of Irkutsk on 3 November, was properly maintained, BelTA learned from Director of the Aviation Department of the Belarusian Transport and Communications Ministry Artyom Sikorsky on 5 November.

The official said: “The investigation commission continues working at the crash site. Authorized representatives of the Aviation Department will arrive at the scene tomorrow morning. At present the investigation commission established by the Interstate Aviation Committee is working at the site, analyzing the positioning of the aircraft and its parts. The work is complicated by weather. The flight data recorders that have been found are supposed to be sent to Moscow for deciphering.”

Artyom Sikorsky said the An-12 aircraft had had the necessary service life and had been maintained properly and on time.

The official said: “The Antonov-12 aircraft is a unique ramp aircraft that can transport up to 18 tonnes of freight. These aircraft are widely used for primarily transporting consumer goods. In particular, this aircraft was used to deliver food from Grodno to Chukotka. This is why air carriers have a certain interest in operating such aircraft and respectively they invest in keeping them airworthy.”

Artyom Sikorsky added the aircraft had been modified to match all the requirements of international standards and national rules. The aircraft had equipment that meets all the modern navigation and location precision requirements.

“In line with the legislation every aircraft, members of the crew, and those accountable to third parties get mandatory insurance. The relevant payments will be made as per established procedure. The air carrier can also pay out extra sums for its employees,” Artyom Sikorsky concluded.

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