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03 November 2020, 12:14

Lukashenko calls for real deeds, not lip service in international cooperation

MINSK, 3 November (BelTA) – It is time to switch from empty words and strong political statements to real deeds in international cooperation, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he received the credentials from foreign ambassadors in a ceremony at the Palace of Independence on 3 November, BelTA has learned.

Taking part in the ceremony were the Apostolic Nuncio in Belarus, the ambassadors of Venezuela, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Syria, Turkey and Japan.

The head of state noted that the heads of the diplomatic missions arrived in Belarus in the anniversary year of the Great Victory. Seventy-five years ago the peoples of the USSR, together with their Western allies, crushed Hitler's Nazism and created a most important instrument to promote international cooperation on an equal footing - the United Nations Organization, the president recalled.

“Belarus has paid an incredible price for the high status of the UN founding member. Every third Belarusian died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, in battles with punitive forces, in concentration camps and ghettos. Keeping the memory of the innumerable losses in that war and understanding possible repercussions of a big military conflict, our country has consistently advocated the resumption of a broad dialogue on peace and international security,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

According to him, the new ambassadors arrived in Belarus in a very difficult and dramatic period. “The humankind is facing a number of challenges, including the second wave of the pandemic, global economic downturn, aggravation of international conflicts, emergence of new threats in the information space. Therefore the time demands dropping empty rhetoric and strong political statements and switching to real deeds. We need to assess the situation critically and preserve all the achievements of international cooperation,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

At the same time, the head of state is convinced that only concerted efforts of all the countries, demonstration of humanism and solidarity, and strengthening of mutual trust can neutralize these threats and create a solid basis for resolving problems.

“Belarus is an independent state with great manufacturing, scientific and human potential. Despite all the difficulties associated with the spread of the coronavirus, our country remains open to the world. No distances and boundaries can prevent the development of mutually beneficial relations based on trust. I am convinced that each of you will discover Belarus in your own way. Belarus is a cordial, hospitable, enterprising and responsible country with a rich historical heritage, ready for dialogue with different cultures. I assure you that you will feel at home in our country and will never be disappointed,” he added.

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