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05 November 2020, 17:31

Lukashenko orders to fine-tune coronavirus testing system in Belarus

MINSK, 5 November (BelTA) – We need to fine-tune the coronavirus testing system in the country, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the measures to counter the spread of viral infections, BelTA hs learned.

"We should fine-tune the system and we will discuss this matter in detail. Testing should be done in the laboratories appointed by the Healthcare Ministry, especially in Minsk. Please compile a list of laboratories,” the president said addressing Natalya Kochanova [Chairperson of the Council of the Republic, the president's for Minsk].

"Private laboratories bought some equipment and now charge exorbitant prices, thus creating uneasiness among the public. People rush to these laboratories which sometimes ask up to Br300 per test. If some private laboratories want to help the state they should do it on state terms. You have tilд Monday to fine-tune this system,” the president added.

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