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22 January 2016, 18:07

Belarus' military doctrine takes into account possible external and internal threats

MINSK, 22 January (BelTA) – While developing the new Military Doctrine of Belarus and making the list of internal and external military threats we took into account the trend of the emphasis shifting from possible external threats towards internal ones, Secretary of Belarus' Security Council Stanislav Zas told reporters, BelTA has learnt.

Stanislav Zas stressed that the continuity of military doctrines was ensured. The new doctrine has remained defense-oriented, and it clearly specifies that the use of military force is the exceptional measure to be used when all other measures have proved ineffective.

However, there are a number of novel concepts as compared to the current doctrine. "These differences are dictated by time. Fourteen years have passed since the current military doctrine was adopted. Much has changed. For example, the new edition gives sufficient attention to the phenomenon of an internal armed conflict. This happened for the first time. There is no such thing in the current doctrine. You see what is happening in the world. These changes (which are negative unfortunately) have been taken into account,” Stanislav Zas noted.

The document outlines the areas of development of the defense sector. In particular, it suggests the development of Belarus' defense sector and creation of final samples of weapons and equipment, which was supported by members of the Security Council.

"The doctrine incorporates the changes to the forms and ways of waging armed struggle. Conventional wars have long been replaced with other types, including the so-called hybrid wars. The new doctrine takes this fact into account. Of course, the focus here is on the information warfare. Now it is a very serious component of military action. The changes across other positions have also been taken into account,” Stanislav Zas said.

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