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03 August 2021, 16:55

Tokyo Olympic champion Ivan Litvinovich back in Vitebsk

Tokyo Olympic champion Ivan Litvinovich have returned to Vitebsk. Ivan Litvinovich's gold in trampoline became the first medal for Team Belarus in Tokyo. The Tokyo Games champion chose Vitebsk Children's and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 1 for the Br20,000 assistance as part of the country's Olympic Choice project. Ivan Litvinovich, who has recently turned 20, was born in the town of Vileika. He attended Vitebsk sports school No. 1 and trained under the tutelage of head coach of the Belarusian national trampoline team Olga Vlasova. In 2016, this sports school also received financial support after Belarusian trampoliner Uladzislau Hancharou, also a student of the school, claimed gold at the Rio Olympics.

Photos by Aleksandr Khitrov

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