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10 December 2021, 19:56

Belarus to work hard to reaffirm its international sport standing

MINSK, 10 December (BelTA) – Belarus will make every effort to confirm its status as one of the sport powers and strengthen its position in the international scene. President of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus Viktor Lukashenko made the statement at a gala night dedicated to the NOC's 30th anniversary. The event took place in the sport complex Falcon Club in Minsk on 10 December, BelTA has learned.

Viktor Lukashenko said: “The Olympic movement of our country has a rich and glorious history. In the early 1990s the Republic of Belarus became a worthy member of the world Olympic family. Over the course of 30 years Belarusian Olympians have managed to win 103 medals, including 21 gold ones. We have demonstrated to the whole world that we have talented people who know how to win competitions at various levels."

Viktor Lukashenko emphasized that since the country became independent, the government has been providing support for physical culture and sports, which allowed Belarusians to continue victorious traditions of their predecessors. "Names of many Belarusian athletes are known far beyond the borders of our country. We can proudly look back, but today everyone needs to make every effort to confirm Belarus' status as one of the sport powers and strengthen its position in the international scene," he said.

The NOC president's address was built around gratitude to sport industry workers, veterans, athletes, coaches, and medics. Viktor Lukashenko assured them that the NOC would continue to protect their interests. "On behalf of our large Olympic family let me express gratitude to veterans of physical education and sport, who wrote the history of Belarusian sport through their important and painstaking work, made an invaluable contribution, raised champions and continue to develop the Olympic movement. You are our pillar, a pillar for the present and future generations of Olympic athletes. I am sincerely grateful to all athletes, their families, friends, trainers, medical workers and sport officials. Rest assured that the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus will continue protecting interests of our athletes. You can always rely on us! It is the example of Olympic champions that inspires millions of children around the world to go in for sports. Seeing a champion means seeing a person that gives his or her best, a person that works at the very limit of their ability when no one sees it. Sometimes I want to say: Do not envy champions - be them!" he stressed.

Viktor Lukashenko congratulated participants of the gala night. He wished them good health, good spirits, to conquer new heights, reach the Olympus and write bright pages in the history of Belarusian sport on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

The gala night was the final chord in the string of events dedicated to the anniversary of Belarus' NOC. In the year of the 30th anniversary the organization implemented a number of projects. A documentary film about the 30th anniversary of the National Olympic Committee was screened on the day of the organization's foundation, March 22. The documentary covered significant events in Belarusian sport.

One of the important projects Belarus' NOC organized in the anniversary year was the culture and sport festival Vytoki. The festival of sport, science, culture and education was held in seven cities of the country and highlighted cultural and historical traditions and scientific and sport achievements of the regions. An important part of the anniversary was the organization of a photo exhibition meant to illustrate Belarus' NOC's achievements over the years. The photo project put together pictures illustrating NOC's most significant events over the course of 30 years. It also highlighted the most vivid moments in performances of Belarusian champions and prize-winners at Olympic Games.

In order to popularize sport achievements, the project "Rules of life of Belarusian athletes" is being implemented. It includes a series of videos and a book. The videos are broadcast throughout the year by leading Belarusian state-run TV channels. They are also available on the YouTube channel and in official accounts of Belarus' NOC in various social networks.

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