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03 March 2020, 16:22

Vera Polyakova-Makei holds reception ahead of International Women's Day

MINSK, 3 March (BelTA) – Wife of the Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vera Polyakova-Makei gave a traditional reception in the run-up to International Women's Day. This year the event was hosted by the Kommunarka confectionery, BelTA has learned.

In her welcoming speech to ambassadors, heads of offices of international organizations, and wives of diplomats, Vera Polyakova-Makei said that in these hard times she decided to sweeten the lives of the representatives of the diplomatic corps. “I thought it would be nice if we meet over a cup of tea with chocolate sweets,” she said as she explained the choice of the venue for the meeting. “After all, the smell of cocoa and the taste of chocolate unite and break down all barriers. It was proven when we organized the first such event here in 2014. The diplomatic corps has changed since then, so we have decided that we need to visit the factory once again, because it has underwent incredible changes too,” she noted.

Participants of the reception got familiar with the process of making sweets and chocolate. Kommunarka's modern equipment allows to produce around 30,000 tonnes of confectionery a year. Thanks to the upgrading, the enterprise is building up capacity. Its products are exported to 19 countries.

Kommunarka's products are well-known and respected abroad. The representatives of the diplomatic corps enjoyed the signature hot chocolate and sweets. They were also invited to taste the latest products of the factory, for example, chocolate with black currants, cranberries, and apricot. The factory also intends to unveil new chocolate with two layers of filling.

“Unfortunately, I have a sweet tooth,” Sweden's Ambassador to Belarus Christina Johannesson said. “I like the idea to invite us to a confectionery very much. It is a nice break from work. I loved the chocolate with honey. I have tasted it here for the first time. I like Belarusian sweets, they are very tasty, and I bring them to Sweden when I go there,” she added.

The most well-known and popular product of the factory is, probably, the exclusive chocolate President. “It has already traveled half the world with me. Because the two things I always take abroad are Bobruisk-made zefir and the President chocolate,” Vera Polyakova-Makei said.

The very name of the product, its unique recipe and unusual taste make it so appealing. Representatives of the factory boasted to the foreign guests that the President chocolate is sugar-free and is made of four types of cocoa beans that grow in Venezuela, Cote d'Ivoire, Ecuador, and Ghana.

Austrian Ambassador to Belarus Aloisia Worgetter noted that she was impressed with what she saw at the factory and considers such meetings ahead of International Women's Day very important and appropriate. “This holiday gives us another opportunity to stress that we need to ensure equal rights for women in the whole world,” Aloisia Worgetter said.

Photos by Andrei Pokumeiko

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