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25 November 2022, 18:26

Red Cross plans to expand its presence in Belarus

MINSK, 25 November (BelTA) – The delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is interested in expanding the presence of the ICRC in Belarus and interacting with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Head of the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Aleksei Begun said, BelTA informs citing the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs hosted a delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Taking part in the meeting were Head of the ICRC Regional Delegation in Russia, Belarus and Moldova Ikhtiyar Aslanov, as well as Head of the ICRC Delegation in the Republic of Belarus Sebastian Fustier. The participants of the meeting took stock of cooperation in 2021 and 2022, and also outlined priority areas of work for the future. According to Ikhtiyar Aslanov, excellent conditions have been created in Belarus for constructive work, and joint meetings produce desirable results. Cooperation with the Citizenship and Migration Department, which began last year, has proved efficient. According to Ikhtiyar Aslanov, there are a number of areas for joint activities.

Aleksei Begun also pointed to the important role of the ongoing meeting. “We thrashed out plans for joint work to help foreign nationals living in Belarus to connect with their families. We also discussed the possibility of first aid training for our employees according to ICRC standards. The delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross expressed interest in expanding its presence in the republic and providing even more assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in humanitarian matters,” he said.

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