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05 April 2024, 19:03

MP about Belarus’ suspension of CFE Treaty: The system of checks and balances no longer works

Image credit: TV channel Belarus One
Image credit: TV channel Belarus One
MINSK, 5 April (BelTA) – The situation emerging in Europe and along Belarusian borders indicates that the West is unwilling to honor any treaties and that the system of checks and balances no longer works. Deputy Chairman of the National Security Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Ruslan Kosygin made the statement as he commented on the Belarus president’s decision to agree to bringing the bill on suspending Belarus’ participation in the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty into the lower chamber of the Belarusian parliament, BelTA has learned.

Ruslan Kosygin said: “The head of state, our commander-in-chief has repeatedly stated that we honor all the requirements of this document virtually to the letter as well as everything relating to maintaining peace in the region. At the same time today’s policy of Western countries led by the United States of America is geared towards further militarization. The development of military infrastructure, the buildup of combat capabilities are links of the same chain. It applies to the entire NATO bloc, including Poland and the Baltic states that border with us.”

The MP believes that all of it indicates that Western countries are unwilling to honor any treaties. “Today the system of so-called checks and balances no longer works,” he stressed.

Ruslan Kosygin remarked that the bill on suspending the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty is a complicated but justified and balanced decision. “Ongoing events, including those that are happening along our borders, require some response steps and measures. Particularly since the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty no longer works. We have always maintained the need to honor all the agreements and treaties that contribute to stability in the region. But it seems inadvisable to unilaterally honor the treaty at present,” the MP is convinced. At the same time he noted that the bill does not mean that Belarus is withdrawing from the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty.
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