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29 January 2024, 14:29

Expert on Lukashenko’s decisions on state border: Security begins from first meters of land

MINSK, 29 January (BelTA) – Colonel Andrei Bogodel, Deputy Head of the Faculty of Education and Science - Head of the Education and Methodology Department of the Faculty of the General Staff of the Armed Forces at the Military Academy of Belarus, explained why the Belarusian president pays special attention to protecting the state border and recalled the military conflicts that started with provocations on the border as he talked to BelTA’s The Nation Speaks project.
“Recently, the president has approved the decisions on protecting the state border. The president is intimately familiar with this matter as he himself served in the border guard troops. Aleksandr Lukashenko has a clear understanding that the country's security starts from the first meters of our land," Andrei Bogodel said.
The expert illustrated his point by examples from history and recalled that many military conflicts started with provocations on the state border. “For example, the Marco Polo Bridge incident of 1937, which marked the beginning of the China-Japan War. By the way, the Chinese consider it the beginning of World War II. Or the Gleiwitz radio station incident in September 1939, when the Germans committed a provocation against the Poles. This became casus belli for the outbreak of the Second World War. In 1939, the White Finns committed a provocation in the village of Mainilo near Leningrad, which started the armed conflict," he stressed. 
Appropriate actions to strengthen the state border protection can prevent possible provocations that could start armed conflicts, Andrei Bogodel added.

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