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10 March 2024, 22:46

Eismont: No days off in Lukashenko’s schedule

MINSK, 10 March (BelTA) – There is no such a thing as a day off in the schedule of Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, Natalya Eismont, press secretary of the Belarusian president, told the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned.

“The president’s schedule includes not only public events, not only what the whole country sees on TV or reads on the internet. The president’s schedule also features daily reports of the heads of various government agencies, organizations, enterprises, and so on. And these reports are flowing in constantly. Often until late at night. And there is no such a thing as a “day off” in the president’s schedule,” the press secretary said.

“I know for sure that various officials, including heads of the law enforcement, security and defense agencies and heads of other branches of government, report to the president even on Saturday and Sunday, on an ongoing basis. And these are often very lengthy reports,” added Natalya Eismont. 
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