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28 June 2024, 15:34

Eismont answers whether Lukashenko will run for re-election

Screenshot of video by Belarus 1 TV channel
Screenshot of video by Belarus 1 TV channel
MINSK, 28 June (BelTA) – Press Secretary of the Belarusian President Natalya Eismont told the Belarus 1 TV channel whether Aleksandr Lukashenko will run in the next presidential election, BelTA has learned.

The hosts of the talk show asked the press secretary whether Aleksandr Lukashenko’s earlier statement could be interpreted as his plans to run for president in 2025.

“Has he really said so?” Natalya Eismont smiled.

“Some publications interpret it this way. Some don’t. Therefore, we are asking you about it,” the presenters said.

A reminder, after casting his ballot in the parliamentary and local elections in February this year, Aleksandr Lukashenko answered a question from BelTA whether he would run for re-election.

“I will. Tell them [self-exiled opposition] about it! The more difficult the situation becomes, the more actively they will work to rock our society and you (not a single person, a responsible president will abandon his people who followed him into this battle and this is very important for me, believe me). The harder they try, the more likely I will bid for re-election. Don't worry, we will do everything necessary for Belarus,” the head of state said.

Natalya Eismont noted that this probably caused many people to engage in wishful thinking.

“I will answer this question the following way: we really want this to happen. Moreover, I will say it point blank, we insist that it be so. When I say ‘we’, I mean not only those who work with the president, not only all of you, journalists, all our people. There are millions of us, this is true. We insist. But the decision, of course, is up to the president. And he, as always, will make this decision at the right time and announce it when he deems fit,” the press secretary said.
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