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03 May 2024, 13:54

Delivery of true news by state-run mass media in CIS space emphasized

BAKU, 3 May (BelTA) – State-run news agencies play the key role in providing the general public with up-to-date and true news. Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States Denis Trefilov made the statement at the 31st session of the council of heads of state-run news agencies of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS Information Council) in Baku, Azerbaijan, BelTA has learned.

Denis Trefilov said: “Today like never before we face a large number of fake news and planted information. We face attempts to use mass media, social networks, and instant messaging apps to sow discord in relations between our countries. This is why the work to counter false information about our states and events designed to destabilize creative processes inside our countries and interstate integration in the CIS remains particularly topical. State-run news agencies play the key role in providing the society, our citizens with up-to-date and true news. And I am sincerely glad that this complicated work is handled by you – highly competent professionals, who recognize the significance of your work and your responsibility to the audience.”

In his words, it is very valuable that state-run news agencies of the CIS states work together. “We can always contact and support each other. And this partnership should be developed and supported by all means,” the CIS deputy secretary general noted. “The unique platform the Association of National News Agencies of the CIS member states is deserves special attention. We understand the need to further enhance and develop this platform and will support your initiatives aimed at improving the association’s work by all means.”

“The year 2025 has been declared the Year of the 80th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The year of Peace and Unity in the Fight Against Fascism. The CIS heads of government have passed the relevant action plan dedicated to this remarkable event. The CIS heads of state are expected to address peoples of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the international community and institute a unified jubilee medal. I’d like to invite all the news agencies to participate in covering preparations for and the actual events,” Denis Trefilov said. “I’d like to mention that a session of the CIS Foreign Ministers Council took place in Minsk on 12 April. An important document for our news agencies was adopted during the session: a statement on enabling safe conditions for professional activities of reporters and on preventing infringements on their rights. I am convinced that the statement will become an important step towards forming a uniting positive agenda in the information environment, towards preventing the spread of news that provoke interethnic and interreligious discord, towards enabling and securing safe and favorable conditions for reporters and mass media employees.”

Denis Trefilov also spoke about the work of state-run news agencies of the CIS states. “I’d like to thank you for everything you do for the Commonwealth. I understand that it is not that simple to keep your finger on the pulse, train young reporters, fight against fakes, and remain up-to-date, highly ranked and prompt sources of news. Titanic work of your teams is behind every news article, every photo or video. We appreciate your information content, lack of bias, your balanced presentation, and a deep approach to covering the most important topics and events. We appreciate objectivity and profoundness of evaluations,” he added.

The CIS Information Council session is taking place on the sidelines of the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue “Dialogue for peace and global security”, which gathered representatives of over 110 countries, including Belarus, in Baku. It is a demonstration of the fact that this event is a very important international venue where matters of intercultural dialogue are discussed.

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