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05 April 2024, 12:14

Astronomer: Women’s bodies fare better in zero-gravity conditions

MINSK, 5 April (BelTA) - Women’s bodies fare better in zero-gravity conditions and adapt more easily to the space environment, Russian astronomer, assistant professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University (Russia) Vladimir Surdin said in a new episode of the V Teme [On Point] project on BelTA’s YouTube channel.

The astronomer explained whether men’s and women's preparation for a spaceflight differed. “As far as I know, gear is the same for men and women. Spacesuits are universal. These are those little things that were dealt with long ago,” Vladimir Surdin added.

At the same time, space engineers have long treated female cosmonauts with prejudice. “Let us take our first woman cosmonaut Tereshkova. It is difficult to make any claims to the first one, as it is the pioneer after all. But it is known that it was difficult for her, she had problems during the flight. Then Soviet cosmonautics avoided sending women into space for a long time,” he emphasized.

According to the astronomer, it later became clear that the female body adapted better to the transition to an unusual environment. “When you get into space, you need a lot of readjustment there. As it turned out, women better adapt to space environment. Moreover, women’s bodies fare better in zero-gravity conditions,” Vladimir Surdin said.
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