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06 June 2024, 12:54

Ambrazevich: Belarus is successfully confronting external challenges

MINSK, 6 June (BelTA) - Belarus is successfully confronting external challenges, Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yuri Ambrazevich said as he spoke at the international conference “Strengthening the Capacity of the Republic of Belarus to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: Strategies and Partnerships in the Context of Modern Challenges and Climate Agenda” in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone on 6 June, BelTA has learned.

His speech was devoted to the progress of Belarus in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as a new opportunity for international business partnership in the context of modern challenges. Yuri Ambrazevich thanked all those who participated in the preparation of the conference - the Belarusian government bodies, the UNDP office and the Industrial Park Development Company.

“Despite the unprecedented sanctions pressure, growing international confrontation and turbulence of the economy, Belarus is successfully confronting external challenges,” the Belarusian deputy minister of foreign affairs said.

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