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05 January 2024, 10:32

Lukashenko to discuss goals for 2024 Year of Quality

The Palace of Independence is the seat of the president of the Republic of Belarus. An archive photo
The Palace of Independence is the seat of the president of the Republic of Belarus. An archive photo
MINSK, 5 January (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko is set to hold a meeting at the Palace of Independence on 5 January to discuss the main areas of work to improve quality in 2024, BelTA has learned.

It is symbolic that the head of state’s first meeting of the year, declared the Year of Quality in Belarus, is devoted to this matter. The products of the country’s best enterprises, which have preserved high quality since the Soviet Union times, are on display at a special exhibition in the Palace of Independence “Quality Mark: Tradition of the Past and Present”.

A big number of participants are expected to take part in the meeting which agenda will focus on two major issues, the Pul Pervogo Telegram channel said. The government has worked out an action plan for the Year of Quality and the document will be presented to the president at the meeting. Several variants of the best state quality mark will be also chosen from a number of those which are to be presented at the event.

The idea to name 2024 the Year of Quality was first mentioned by the president in September 2023 during his working trip to Mogilev Oblast. “Quality is the most important issue. We should declare next year the Year of Quality. We are doing well: we are succeeding in terms of volumes, and the demand for Belarus is enormous, but we still have problems with quality. Quality matters most. We should be responsible for it,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

This topic was continued during Aleksandr Lukashenko's visit to the Kristall company last November, where a proposal was put forward to establish a single state quality mark in Belarus, taking the Soviet quality mark as a basis for the modern Belarusian one. “We will declare 2024 the Year of Quality. I have already mentioned this. We produce a lot of high-quality products. We need to do better however. In order to stay competitive. Because we have an open economy. We need to raise the quality in order to be able to compete,” the president said.

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