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17 November 2022, 13:31

Zalessky: Terms of operation of Belarus Hi-Tech Park remain unchanged

MINSK, 17 November (BelTA) – The terms of operation of the Hi-Tech Park remain the same, Deputy Director of the Hi-Tech Park Kirill Zalessky told the media following the meeting hosted by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, BelTA has learned.

"The HTP's mode of operation is not changing," he said. “It is time for a new lease on life for the park. Over the past two years, our IT sector, IT specialists have been in different situations. Most of the thousands-strong army of IT specialists worked for the economic well-being of our country. Of course, there were those who did not show themselves in the best light and went along with the destructive forces. Today we proceed from the fact that we are turning this page and continue to work for multiplying the economic power of our state."

According to him, the meeting with the president focused on Decree No. 136 adopted in April this year. “The Hi-Tech Park together with the Ministry of Communications and Informatization is working diligently to implement Belarusian IT developments inside the country for the benefit of the real sector and economy. I think we will continue our efforts in this direction,” Kirill Zalessky said.

As for the impact of global trends, such as staff reduction in the giant companies, on the Hi-Tech Park, Kirill Zalessky said: “The IT industry around the world has been caught in a perfect storm. Today all global corporations are laying off employees by the tens of thousands. According to our estimates, this outflow is not that big. We understand that there are objective and subjective reasons. We are supporters of cautious optimism. I think that in the end everything will be fine.”

“The Hi-Tech Park, like the entire economy of Belarus, is closely intertwined with the global economy. Exports account About 90% of the park is. We cannot ignore that. Our IT-sector is very mobile. It is quick to adjust to the emerging situation. I think that we will overcome these difficulties and will reach a positive trend in the near future,” he added.

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