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04 November 2022, 12:43

PM visits construction site of glass container factory in Grodno

GRODNO, 4 November (BelTA) – During a working trip to Grodno Oblast, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko visited the construction site of a glass container production facility in Grodno, BelTA has learned.

Roman Golovchenko studied the progress in implementing the project. The future enterprise will be technology-intensive. The investment project is run by Grodno Glassworks. The project is included in the 2021-2025 innovative development program of the Republic of Belarus. According to the business plan, the project implementation period is 2020-2022.

The first phase of construction (preparatory period) began in July 2021.

According to official representative of the Belarusian Glass Company Tatiana Bondar, right now equipment is being adjusted and installed, and staff is being trained. “In this difficult economic time the head of state supported this greendfield project. The construction of the manufacturing facility near the M6 ​​highway is nearing completion. The location of the facility is very advantageous as it will be convenient to build logistics routes. This is an absolutely unique project, there are no more than ten similar companies in the world. It is set to produce over 200 million pieces of glass containers per year. The new facility will be able to make glass containers of absolutely any color, and promptly switch from one color to another,” said Tatiana Bondar.

After the plant reaches its design capacity, some 218 people will be working here, 104 new jobs will be created.

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