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15 April 2024, 11:17

Belarus’ ambassador: East Africa is a well-developed market

MINSK, 15 April (BelTA) - East Africa is a developed market with global standards of doing business, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Kenya Pavel Vzyatkin said in an interview to Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned.

“I have to state that Kenya, the region in East Africa, the area I supervise, is still far from being among the priorities of our enterprises and industries. Yes, it is clear that these are new markets, it is clear that this market is not an easy one. There is geographical remoteness, certain risks, as with any region, any new country. There is certain momentum, good margins, established commodity flows and schemes in working with our traditional partners,” Pavel Vzyatkin said.

According to the ambassador, this situation cannot be satisfying. “All those interested should look towards Kenya, East Africa. This is a developed market with established global standards of doing business. It is specific and has its features like any new market. We, as an embassy, are here to solve these issues. We are ready and willing to make it a two-way road,” Pavel Vzyatkin concluded.
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