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28 August 2018, 13:25

Japan's Miyagi Prefecture, Belarus to advance cooperation in children recreation

MINSK, 28 August (BelTA) – Japan's Miyagi Prefecture and Belarus are going to advance cooperation in the area of children recreation, representatives of the Belarusian diplomatic mission in Tokyo told BelTA.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Japan Ruslan Yesin visited Miyagi Prefecture the other day and met with Miyagi Prefecture Deputy Governor Akiyoshi Kawabata. Establishing contacts between Miyagi Prefecture and Minsk Oblast was discussed as well as the state and prospects of advancing cooperation between Belarusian and Japanese regional organizations in the area of youth exchange programs. Akiyoshi Kawabata thanked the Belarusian leadership for assistance via offering recreation opportunities to kids from areas affected by earthquakes and tsunamis.

An agreement was reached with Sendai Mayor Kazuko Kori to continue working together to bolster sister city relations with Minsk and arrange a presentation of Belarusian products in Japan.

Mutual exchanges of tourist groups may become a promising cooperation avenue. This and other matters were discussed as the Belarusian ambassador met with representatives of the Matsushima city administration.

Over 60 kids from Miyagi Prefecture were present during the expanded-participation meeting with participants of the summer recreation in Belarus program. Participants of the meeting expressed gratitude addressed to the Belarusian head of state for offering recreation to Japanese kids from affected areas in the education and recuperation center Zubrenok over the course of many years. Representatives of Japanese public organizations, which take part in youth exchange programs, attended the meeting. Possibilities of arranging another health-improving trip to Belarus for Japanese kids were discussed.

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