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14 March 2016, 10:10

Floods submerge 35 thousand houses in Bandung district

Bandung, W Java, 14 March (BelTA - ANTARA) - Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains and the overflowing of Citarum River, have submerged some 35 thousand houses in the districts of Dayeuhkolot, Baleendah and Bojongsoang in Bandung District, West Java Province.

"This flooding is the worst over the past 10 years. The floodwaters have reached a height of up to 3.3 meters," Coordinator of Bandungs Disaster-Alert Youth, said on the phone, Sunday.

The office of Dayeuhkolot Sub-district administration, which had never been flooded since 20 years ago, is now inundated at a height of 35 cm, he said.

In the meantime, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesman of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), said in a statement in Jakarta, on Sunday that the floods left two dead and three others missing in Bandung District.

The dead victims were Risa, 13, and Ela, 40, who lived in Sawahluhur, Sukasari village, Pameungpeuk Sub-district.

Elas husband and two daughters were missing as the building where they were staying and is located near the river bank, collapsed after being swept away by flash floods.

The floods affected 15 regions, namely Cicalengka, Rancaekek, Cileunyi, Solokan Jeruk, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, Pameungpeuk, Banjaran, Arjasri, Cangkuang, Katapang and Kutawaringin.

The flooding forced more than three thousand people to evacuate themselves to higher grounds, and affected some 5,900 families comprising 24 thousand people.

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