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08 October 2021, 15:54

Lukashenko: Criticism of Belkoopsoyuz is often objective

MINSK, 8 October (BelTA) - Criticism of Belkoopsoyuz is often objective, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he took part in the general meeting of the Belarusian National Union of Consumer Societies Belkoopsoyuz in Minsk on 8 October, BelTA has learned.

"Unfortunately, I have to make conclusion that not all workers in regions have an understanding of some simple things and the severity of the moment the country is living through. Mass media often criticize Belkoopsoyuz for being slow, indifferent and ignorant of people's needs, and this criticism is often objective," the head of state said.

For example, the State Control Committee has established the facts when Belkoopsoyuz failed to provide people with basic information about the procurement possibilities or when procurement offices stayed closed for unknown reasons. "As a result, people get annoyed and take their complains to government bodies. Meanwhile, goods rot and perish," the president said.

"You finally have to understand that you are the face of government at the local level. Rural residents make their opinion of the president on the way you work. Everybody should understand that procurement points should work 24/7 during the high season of berries, mushrooms, apples. Everyone has mobile phones. It's not that hard to ensure that people know your procurers better than local authorities. You procurers need to be easily reachable and should provide high-quality service," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

He also urged to establish close cooperation with each farmer, the owner of a personal subsidiary farm: "Reach out to them. Before the start of spring field work, you talk to them and discuss possible ways of cooperation. Why hasn't this become the norm and the system for the whole country?"

"Procurement from villagers should remain under strict control, and the task of the new leadership of Belkoopsoyuz is to effectively organize this process," the president summed up.

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