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09 June 2017, 14:45

Eleven documents adopted at SCO summit in Astana

ASTANA, 9 June (BelTA) - Eleven documents were adopted at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana, SCO Secretary General Rashid Alimov told the media, BelTA has learned.

“We had a thorough exchange of views on the ways of improving and developing the multifaceted cooperation within the SCO, and on the main topics of the regional and global agenda,” Rashid Alimov noted.

Among them is the Astana Declaration the Convention on Countering Extremism, a joint statement by the heads of state on the joint fight against international terrorism and a joint action plan to implement the program of cooperation of the SCO member states in tourism for 2017-2018.

The heads of state highlighted the historical significance of the SCO's enlargement. They believe that granting full SCO membership to India and Pakistan at the current meeting of the SCO Heads of State Council will facilitate the further development and enhance the potential of the SCO. The heads of state advocated the further deepening of multifaceted mutually beneficial cooperation with SCO observer states and dialogue partners.

The heads of state noted the importance of the Organization's further consolidation as an effective full-fledged regional platform aimed at active participation in building a more equitable, polycentric model of the world order that meets the interests of each and every state, promoting the process of democratization of international relations, creating an effective global and regional architecture of security and cooperation, and forming a human community linked by a common destiny.

The heads of state reaffirmed the commitment of the inevitability of a political-diplomatic resolution of conflict situations in various regions of the world on the basis of strict observance of the generally recognized norms and principles of international law.

The heads of state reaffirmed the importance of implementing the SCO Treaty of Long-Term Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation among Member States with the purpose of further developing relations of mutual understanding, respect and fruitful cooperation in areas of common interest, making interstate borders of eternal peace and friendship.

Some statements covered the stabilization of the situation in Afghanistan, political regulation in Syria. The heads of state praised the efforts to implement the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to resolve the issue of the Iranian nuclear program. “The heads of state called for the crisis in Ukraine to be settled as soon as possible based on full implementation of the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements,” Rashid Alimov said.

He also spoke about other decisions made at the summit, including close cooperation with the UN and its institutions in a range of areas.

The SCO leaders view as important to intensify the policy aimed at strengthening their economic potentials and the implementation of long-term development strategies. They speak in favor of wide international cooperation for the implementation of the agenda in the area of sustainable development through 2030.

The heads of state emphasized the importance of the initiatives aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of regional economic cooperation and promoting the search for new models of international cooperation. The Belt and Road Initiative was welcomed as the best means to achieve the goals.

The heads of state noted the importance of continuing consultations on the establishment of the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund (Special Account) at the expert level.

“Advocating the establishment of multilateral cooperation in the area of transport, the heads of state stressed the need for gradual practical implementation of the intergovernmental agreement on creating favorable conditions for international road transportation,” noted Rashid Alimov.

Special attention was focused on the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

The SCO Heads of State Council will hold its next meeting in China in June 2018.

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