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11 November 2022, 11:14

Viktor Lukashenko extends 30th anniversary greetings to Azerbaijan NOC

MINSK, 11 November (BelTA) - Baku is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the NOC of Azerbaijan. A Belarusian delegation headed by President of the National Olympic Committee Viktor Lukashenko is taking part in the festive events, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian NOC.

Viktor Lukashenko extended greetings and gave a memorable gift to Vice President of the NOC of Azerbaijan Chingiz Huseynzade and Secretary General Azer Aliyev. In his speech, Viktor Lukashenko stressed that this important date is an excellent occasion to remember the history of the Olympic movement, the wonderful, enthusiastic people who laid the traditions of Olympism in Azerbaijan by their talent and work.

"Many generations of athletes have written bright pages in the victorious sport chronicle, both during the Soviet time and also sovereign period of Azerbaijani. Over the past years, the NOC of Azerbaijan has made a truly invaluable contribution to the development of elite sport and the training of Olympic champions, to the popularization of physical education and promotion of the values of a healthy lifestyle and the Olympic movement," Viktor Lukashenko said. Viktor Lukashenko is convinced that the friendly relations between the Olympic committees of Belarus and Azerbaijan will become even stronger and will add a new impetus to the development of sport in the two countries. “May the Olympic ideals and values promote mutual understanding between athletes of all nations in the name of peace in the world,” Viktor Lukashenko added.

The National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan was established in 1992. It was recognized as a full member of the International Olympic Committee in 1993. The National Olympic Committees of Belarus and Azerbaijan concluded a memorandum of cooperation in 2012.

Photo by NOC of Belarus

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