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09 June 2024, 13:43

Belarus win six medals at Evgeniya Cup in Omsk

Photos courtesy of the Belarusian Gymnastics Association
Photos courtesy of the Belarusian Gymnastics Association
 MINSK, 9 June (BelTA) – Russia’s Omsk played host to the traditional international rhythmic gymnastics tournament for the prizes of two-time Olympic champion Evgeniya Kanaeva, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Gymnastics Association. 

More than 130 gymnasts from eight countries competed for the Evgeniya Cup 2024 awards. Team Belarus won six medals at the tournament: three silver and bronze medals. Darya Verenich earned silver medals in the clubs and in the ribbon. Anastasiia Salos also graced the podium twice, winning bronze in the ball and in the clubs. 

Alina Rechkina finished third in the hoop finals. Karyna Yarmolenka, Dana Chaevskaya, Lolita Matskevich, Polina Alexandrova and Arina Tsitsilina placed second in the group exercise.

 The participating countries were Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Serbia and Slovenia.
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