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12 May 2022, 13:49

Belarus, Russia sign memorandum on cooperation in ski sports

MINSK, 12 May (BelTA) - A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Belarusian Ski Union and the Russian Ski Association at the headquarters of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus on 12 May, BelTA has learned.

“This is the first memorandum between our countries. It is a good time for the joint development of ski sports both in Belarus and Russia. We need to think about uniting and holding all kinds of joint events, including training camps. I gladly agreed to this proposal of our counterparts from Belarus. We discussed everything very quickly. I hope we can be useful to each other,” said Elena Vyalbe, the head of the Russian Ski Association.

According to her, cooperation is envisaged at the level of national teams, referees and competitions. “We definitely need to compete now, come up with all sorts of festivals and games. This is a step towards a more serious cooperation,” Elena Vyalbe added.

During the working meeting, the Belarusian side and the head of the Russian Ski Association discussed modern trends in ski sports in Belarus and worldwide. The agenda of the meeting included the organization and participation in the competitions of the winter sports season 2022-2023 amid the temporary ban of the Belarusian and Russian athletes from the international sports events. In addition, an important issue was the interaction on the joint training of the sports reserve, personnel; organization of joint training camps and competitions in Belarus and Russia. The Russian delegation was taken on a tour of the exposition of the Olympic Museum of the NOC of Belarus.

Photos courtesy of NOC of Belarus

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