MINSK, 10 January (BelTA) - Over half of the Belarusian badger population lives in Vitebsk Oblast, BelTA has learned from the press service of the Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry.
"In 2023 the Belarusian badger population was estimated based on a questionnaire and data obtained from most of the country's administrative districts. It amounted to about 2,307 individuals. As in previous years, the largest badger population was found in Vitebsk Oblast. The region is home to 56% of the Belarusian population of this species. The remaining population is evenly spread across the country (4-14%). Thus, the density of the Belarusian badger population and geographical distribution is one of the lowest in the range of one species," the ministry said.
However, the data show significant progress in the badger population status in recent years, including an increase in population numbers. But in general it is still vulnerable: there are no badgers in a large part of the country. Some local badger populations have been found depressed or extremely endangered.
"Due to the variable and small badger population and its absence in appropriate habitats, this species should be left on the Red List of Threatened Species. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus proposed to include the species in the next edition but lower its conservation status from II to IV category," the ministry informed.