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20 March 2024, 13:52

Vasilevskaya's parents arrive at Baikonur to support their daughter as she prepares for launch to ISS 

BAIKONUR, 20 March (BelTA) - Parents and close relatives of Belarusian Marina Vasilevskaya arrived in Baikonur from Minsk. They shared their emotions as their daughter Marina is preparing for launch to the International Space Station (ISS), BelTA has learned. 

"We think positive and stay optimistic. We are thrilled and happy for our daughter and came to support her," said Olga Vasilevskaya, the mother of Marina Vasilevskaya.

"We came to cheer Marina up. We are very proud of her. We wish her a normal launch and a successful flight," added Marina's father Vitaly Vasilevsky. 

Olga Vasilevskaya noted her daughter's determination. According to her, Marina has always been a leader and has always achieved her goals: "Now she has become the first cosmonaut of the independent Republic of Belarus." 

A plane with relatives of Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky and Belarusian spacefarers Marina Vasilevskaya and Anastasia Lenkova have arrived in Baikonur. The Belarusian Belavia air carrier organized a flight for them on a plane featuring the stars and soaring cosmonauts.

The flight was organized on the instruction of the Belarusian president. On board were relatives of cosmonauts, representatives of youth, athletes, young scientists. 

The crew of Visiting Expedition 21 will launch to the International Space Station on 21 March at 16.21 Belarusian time. The members of the prime crew are Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky, space flight participant Belarusian Marina Vasilevskaya and NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson.
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