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28 August 2024, 19:24

UN coordinator: Belarus is among Europe’s leaders in SDG action

MINSK, 28 August (BelTA) - Belarus is among Europe’s top-performing countries in terms of achieving the SDGs, UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus Rasul Baghirov told the media following his meeting with Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova on 28 August, BelTA has learned.

“I have been in Belarus for four months already. I have already seen, learned and understood a lot of things. Today I had a very interesting conversation. It let me look deep into the processes that are taking place in the country,” Rasul Baghirov said. “I am a representative of the UN. The UN has its mandate, goals, objectives, and we do not deviate from them. I would like to say right away that Belarus should be portrayed as it is. We should give the assessment as it is.”

According to him, Belarus continues to show progress in achieving the SDGs. “If we take the Sustainable Development Goals, Belarus is progressing very well today. It is among the leading countries in Europe in terms of those indicators, goals, by which we define development until 2030. About 80% of all the goals have been achieved,” the UN resident coordinator in Belarus said.

Cooperation with the United Nations is the most important vector of the Belarusian foreign policy. Our country was among the founding members of the United Nations and has taken an active position in the Organization from the very first days of its membership. During its independence, Belarus has introduced a number of important initiatives at the UN, which have strengthened the positive image of the country in the international arena.

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