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06 April 2024, 10:15

Ukrainian blogger: Belarus has preserved the Soviet legacy and enhanced it

MINSK, 6 April (BelTA) – In addition to preserving the Soviet legacy Belarus has managed to enhance it. The Ukrainian blogger and entrepreneur Vladimir Panchak made the relevant statement in a new episode of BelTA’s YouTube project V Teme [On Point].

Vladimir Panchak said: “I am 41 and I have lived for over 20 years abroad. Why? Because Ukrainian authorities have done everything to make Ukrainians leave their country. Simply in order to feed their families.”
The blogger remarked that those Ukrainians, who went abroad, could see with their own eyes that things are not so good in the West as they thought. “It is good to go to Rome, London, Paris or New York as a tourist. But when you live there, work, and pay taxes, then you see that things are not as good as they told us. I’ve lived in England for over 20 years. When I tell the English that in the USSR we had free education and guaranteed jobs, they don’t believe me,” he said.

Vladimir Panchak added that nowadays young Ukrainians cannot imagine what living a normal life means. At the same time the blogger believes that in addition to preserving the Soviet legacy Belarus has managed to enhance it.

“In 1991 Belarus was home to approximately 10 million people and today this figure has barely changed. But Belarus has preserved its BelAZ haul trucks and tractors, has started making microwave ovens and TV sets,” he stated. “When Ukrainian businessmen brought agricultural products to us in Lvov Oblast, Ukrainians bought all of it right away.”

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