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05 June 2024, 14:12

Szmydt comments on no Interpol red notice for him

MINSK, 5 June (BelTA) - Interpol should search for criminals, not persecute people for their political and civil position, Polish dissident, former judge Tomasz Szmydt wrote in his Telegram channel as he commenting on Interpol's refusal to search for him, BelTA has learned.

“We believe that Interpol should be searching for real criminals, not pursuing individuals for their political and civil position. My case is completely fabricated. Despite my demands to get familiar with the materials of the case, I still have not received a single paper. I simply left Poland on my vacation. I did not violate anything. I just expressed my opinion,” Tomasz Szmydt said.

In his words, there is no freedom of speech in Poland anymore, while any mention of Russia and Belarus in any context is prosecuted by the authorities.

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