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06 June 2024, 13:16

SCO deputy chief: Belarus' accession will give impetus to SCO trade, economy 

MINSK, 6 June (BelTA) - Belarus' accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will give a new impetus to the development of the economy and trade in the SCO, SCO Deputy Secretary General Sohail Khan said at the session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum ”Prospects for the development of business cooperation within the SCO in modern conditions”, TASS informs.

"A historic decision will be taken on the accession of the Republic of Belarus to the SCO. We are convinced that this will give an additional important impetus to the development of multilateral cooperation in our common space, including in trade and economy,” Sohail Khan.

The day before, SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming said that Belarus would become a full member of the organization at the upcoming summit in July. According to him, Belarus' accession to the SCO at the summit in Astana “will be a historic breakthrough” on the way to the expansion of the association.
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