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28 June 2019, 17:33

Russian vice premier visits Belarus' Hi-Tech Park

MINSK, 28 June (BelTA) – Russian Deputy Prime Minister Maksim Akimov visited the Hi-Tech Park on 28 June. He met with Hi-Tech Park Director Vsevolod Yanchevsky, BelTA has learned.

During the visit laser technologies for healthcare and cosmetology purposes were demonstrated as well as nano coatings for smartphones, artificial intelligence solutions for surgery, Belarus' first cryptocurrency exchange, and a new payment system based on QR codes (Belarusian Wechat). The Russian deputy prime minister also took a ride on a virtual motorcycle. Maksim Akimov also saw promising startups: a system to monitor crop fields, a compact lab for tracking polluted air (digital air), and a digital stethoscope synced to a smartphone.

Speaking about the healthcare project, Maksim Akimov underlined that the Belarusian technology allows saving money on expensive treatment particularly in remote territories. “If a doctor is not available, data from the digital stethoscope can be transferred remotely. You have excellent projects. You should definitely come to our market,” he stressed.

The deputy prime minister was also informed about future capabilities of a floating hologram, which is in development in Belarus. The specialists are now working on giving the hologram the ability to repeat people's gestures and facial expressions. “In the past we were only into IT, now we are into high technologies,” Vsevolod Yanchevsky said as a comment about the new technologies.

In his words, the Belarusian side is pleased with the attention Russian colleagues pay to the Hi-Tech Park. “You know that most of the Hi-Tech Park's export goes to the USA and Europe. Those are tough markets where quality requirements are very high. Our Belarusian products can beat the competition. We ship only several percent to Russia for now but today our companies are ready to supply top-notch software,” the Hi-Tech Park director added.

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