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09 November 2022, 13:45

Refugee beaten by Polish security forces, pushed into Belarus

MINSK, 9 November (BelTA) - Polish security forces beat and pushed a refugee into the territory of Belarus, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee of Belarus.

Belarusian border guards found a foreigner on the Belarusian-Polish border on 8 November. The man said that he is a citizen of Syria. He needed medical attention, warm clothes and footwear. He also said that he was in Poland for three days before he was detained by law enforcement officers and taken to the fence on the border with Belarus. He explained that the Polish security forces forced him to pass through the gate. The man said he was was beaten and pepper sprayed. He was also ordered to take off his shoes despite cold weather. The Belarusian border service provided the necessary assistance to the refugee.

The State Border Committee recalled that a body of a man of non-Slavic appearance was found on the same site on 2 October.

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