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19 February 2024, 14:50

Promising areas of cooperation between Belarus, Republika Srpska outlined

MINSK, 19 February (BelTA) - Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko met with President of the Republika Srpska, an entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, and outlined the promising areas of cooperation between the two countries in Minsk on 19 February, BelTA has learned.

"We are well aware that you pay an increased attention to the development of the economy," Roman Golovchenko said. “You have achieved very good results in economic development, despite the cataclysms on the European continent. Belarus, as a country with strong industrial and production capabilities, is ready to contribute to the development of the Republika Srpska."

Speaking about specific areas of bilateral cooperation, the prime minister highlighted agricultural engineering. As he emphasized, Belarusian tractors have proven their worth. "We have not stopped deliveries recently despite the increased complex logistics, difficulties in concluding deals and contracts. Both last year and the year before last, we supplied tractors to the Republika Srpska and we believe that we can increase the supplies," the Belarusian head of government said. “Unlike many others, we have not lost our competencies. On the contrary, we have reached a new qualitative level of development and produce more than 45,000 tractors per year."

Another area of cooperation is passenger transport. "We see that you strive to make the life of citizens in the Republika Srpska more comfortable. Therefore, we would be very happy to establish cooperation in the field of passenger transport," the prime minister added.

"You had a busy day yesterday in Belarus and visited the transplantology center. We have made good strides in our humanitarian cooperation ," Roman Golovchenko said.

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