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07 February 2019, 19:09

Positive dynamics in informatization campaign in Belarus

MINSK, 7 February (BelTA) – During a session of the board of the Communications and Informatization Ministry First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Alexander Turchin mentioned positive dynamics in the development of the industry, BelTA has learned.

While in 2010 the share of the informatization and communications sector in Belarus' GDP was 2.6%, in 2018 it was 5.5%. According to Alexander Turchin, no other branch of the national economy demonstrates such fast growth these days. “It is a convincing argument in favor of putting more efforts into developing this branch. A government conference will be chaired by the head of state in mid-March. It will be the main reference point in this work this year. We will try to analyze ongoing global trends and decide on what way our country should follow with regard to digital economy,” the official said. Alexander Turchin also mentioned the importance of all government agencies contributing to this work.

As far as Beltelecom is concerned, successful digitization in the country will depend on its performance. “We see future prospects and reserves for the development of Beltelecom,” stressed Alexander Turchin. He pointed out that every branch of the economy is now involved in the digitization process to a smaller or larger degree. The Communications and Informatization Ministry should coordinate these processes.

Informatization-related projects in the spheres of healthcare and education were mentioned during the session. In particular, the system Digital Prescription now works in clinics in Minsk and other cities. As many as 481 healthcare institutions were connected to the system in 2018 as well as 1,931 state drugstores and 854 private ones. The project Digital School was adopted by 16% of the country's educational institutions. The figure will be at least 80% by 2020.

Communications and Informatization Minister Konstantin Shulgan stressed that this dynamics indicates timely and quality achievement of sustainable development goals. “We can say that a modern information and communication infrastructure has been created in the country. It is confirmed by the information and communication technologies development rating granted by the International Telecommunication Union to Belarus. Belarus is ranked 32nd. Experts view Belarus as a country with a high level of development of the information and communications infrastructure,” the minister noted.

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