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06 May 2024, 11:47

Polish judge: Belarus is an open and friendly country

MINSK, 6 May (BelTA) – Belarus is an open country with friendly people, Polish judge Tomasz Szmydt said during a press conference in BelTA’s press center on 6 May.

Polish judge Tomasz Szmydt asked for protection in Belarus. He declares his protest to the Polish authorities who under the influence of the USA and the UK are leading the country to war.

“There is an information blockade in our country, so it is difficult to find out what is really happening in Belarus and Russia. The only way to get information is to use Telegram which has not been blocked yet,” Tomasz Szmydt said.
The Polish judge said that Belarus is an open and friendly country. “People are very friendly to foreigners. When people learn that I am from Poland, there is no problem with it. They treat me well. I would like to invite my fellow countrymen, residents of the Baltic countries to come here. Come to Belarus, compare what your press writes with how things really are here,” Tomasz Szmydt said.
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