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23 January 2025, 12:17

Pertsov to Belarusian youth: You have only one homeland


MINSK, 23 January (BelTA) – Young people should take responsibility for the future of their country, Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration Vladimir Pertsov said at the “Not-boring not-lecture” event at the Kedyshko Minsk State College of Crafts and Design that was held as part of the Marathon of Unity campaign, BelTA has learned.

According to Vladimir Pertsov, economic growth and the increase in household income show that the Belarusian state maintains stability despite external challenges. “The record high purchase of cars last year is an important indicator of  well-being of people. This is where our country stands right now. Of course, there is much to criticize. And you, young people, sometimes pour cold water on what officials say. But I am telling you my story, the journey that we have been on together with our head of state over these 30 years. I want to tell you what kind of country we have built by now, what kind of country you will inherit in a few years,” he said.

Vladimir Pertsov emphasized that young people will have to take responsibility for the future of their country. “Many of you will continue your education, become professionals, politicians, leaders. You will try to make our country more beautiful, comfortable, prosperous. It should be a nice and safe place to live in, to create families, raise children,” he noted.

The deputy head of the Belarus President Administration remarked that Belarus remains under pressure from major geopolitical players. However, the country is holding its ground despite all the challenges thanks to unity, respect for traditional values ​​and the ability to learn lessons from the past. “Those who are in a different camp want to seize us. They declare us a target in their strategic documents. They will do everything to extend their sphere of influence up to our land. Not because they need Belarus as such, but because it is a bridge between the West and the East. They want to deprive us of independence; we are not friends, not partners for them. We should keep this in mind and act accordingly,” he added.

According to Vladimir Pertsov, there is one thing that young people need to understand. “We do not have another homeland. We do not have a plan B. You are the masters of your destiny, and if you take responsibility for your life, everything work out for you,” he added.  
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