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19 June 2024, 16:27

Opinion: The use of nuclear arms may trigger a global catastrophe

MINSK, 19 June (BelTA) – The use of nuclear arms may trigger a global conflict and a global catastrophe, BelTA learned from State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich during the international expo of the security industry “National security. Belarus 2024”.

When asked by reporters, Aleksandr Volfovich commented on a statement by the NATO secretary general, who had said that NATO countries are debating the need to bring nuclear arms to combat readiness.

The state secretary said: “I think that the West also understands that if someone in the world is the first to use nuclear weapons, it will result in a global conflict and a global catastrophe. I don’t think it is possible to use nuclear weapons precisely against some confined territory or a specific country. Europe will have a hard time as well.”

The official drew attention to the steps Belarus has taken to alleviate consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. “We still try to neutralize consequences of this peaceful catastrophe. What will happen if military weapons are used? Tactical ones? Let alone strategic ones?” he stressed.

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