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10 October 2022, 17:58

Opinion: Russia is fighting against West, not Ukraine

MINSK, 10 October (BelTA) - A full-scale third world war is already here, Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov said in a new episode of the V Teme [On Point] project on BelTA's YouTube channel.

“It should be borne in mind that, by all accounts, we are in the middle of a full-scale, real third world war which began long ago. The initial period of this war, a hybrid one, is currently underway. It's coming to an end and we are about to enter into another phase. Fighters from the fronts report that they hear practically no Ukrainian speech there. It's mostly Polish, English, almost no Ukrainian. De facto, the war is with NATO. The Russian army has already fulfilled the task of demilitarizing Ukraine. In Ukraine, there are no initial weapons left, they have all been destroyed. Now Ukraine is fighting with NATO weapons, there are a lot of them," Konstantin Sivkov said.

“It should be borne in mind that Polish troops have not yet entered the territory of Ukraine. This is due to the fact that the Armed Forces of Belarus hang over the Poles like a strategic hammer. Honor and praise to them,” the expert added.

"They act as a deterrent. The Belarusian army itself forces the Poles to restrain from active actions on the territory of Ukraine. But the Americans and the British are pushing them to take these actions. Therefore, I predict an escalation of military tensions," Konstantin Sivkov said.

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