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17 November 2021, 13:00

Opinion: Refugee crisis has exposed EU's true attitude to values it declares

MINSK, 17 November (BelTA) – Developments like the ongoing refugee crisis show whether people really practice what they preach, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Commission on State Construction, Local Government and Regulations of the House of Representatives Viktor Svillo told reporters, BelTA has learned.

On 17 November Belarusian MPs studied the situation with refugees at the Belarusian-Polish border and delivered humanitarian aid. They volunteered to help at the temporary accommodation facility for refugees set up in the logistics center near the Bruzgi checkpoint, where about a thousand people are now staying.

“Developments like the ongoing refugee crisis show whether people practice what they preach. The situation really touched a nerve in me. Today, journalists have an opportunity to cover the situation on the ground, at the very borderline, from the Belarusian side of the border,” the MP said. The adjoining side declared a state of emergency and denies access to the border.

“The main task of journalists is to show what is happening and give their take on it. Today we see a contrast: full access from our side, while in Poland journalists are pushed back,” the MP said.

“It is very important that Belarus demonstrates openness in this matter. We all have one goal - to resolve the current crisis and help these people,” Viktor Svillo concluded.

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