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16 December 2020, 15:27

Opinion: Nothing is more honorable than defending Fatherland

VITEBSK DISTRICT, 16 December (BelTA) –Cadets are patriots who decide to devote their lives to the defense of the Motherland since childhood, and there is nothing more honorable than to defend the Fatherland, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology Aleksandr Shumilin said at a meeting with students of Vitebsk Cadet School, BelTA has learned.

The State Committee on Science and Technology is a patron of the school. It was the seventh time that Aleksandr Shumilin met with the students of this educational institution. He handed over a certificate worth Br2,000 to the director of the school, Sergei Logvinenko. This money will be used to improve the physical infrastructure of the school. “Such meetings with the younger generation are always important. Taking care of children is taking care of the future. Now there is a lot of talk about patriotism. Cadets are raised as patriots from childhood. They choose the career of Motherland defenders. Today there is nothing more honorable than defending the Fatherland,” Aleksandr Shumilin said.

Along with the certificate, the director of the school was also given about ten books for the library of the school. These books are about science, history, military technologies and their development. “The cadet school does not provide purely military training. It also trains engineers, technologists, managers. This is very important. Cadets receive a very good training,” the head of the State Committee on Science and Technology said.

The best cadets received commendation letters. The ceremony was followed by a Q&A session. Cadets asked what Belarus achieved in the IT sector, how the digital economy is developing and what contribution the State Committee on Science and Technology makes to the country's economy. Aleksandr Shumilin answered all the questions, wished Happy New Year and many successes to students.

Photos by Aleksandr Khitrov

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