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13 October 2020, 18:28

Opinion: Government policy cannot be decided on the street

MINSK, 13 October (BelTA) – The street cannot dictate the government policy, Chairman of the Youth Parliament at the National Assembly Yegor Makarevich told BelTA.

“Today we are witnessing the radicalization of protests and attempts of violent resistance to the police on the part of protesters. Of course, this can no way be called peaceful street actions. This night we saw arson, clashes with security forces, attempts to arrange transport collapse in Minsk. Naturally, all this will not be ignored by law enforcement and the perpetrators will face administrative or criminal charges. This is clearly prescribed by the Belarusian legislation,” Yegor Makarevich said.

According to him, young people are often at the forefront of protests. “Each of them needs to realize that such actions have legal consequences. Probably, young people should not ruin their lives, succumbing to weird calls coming from certain Telegram channels from abroad. Belarus has everything in place to resolve problems and implement any initiatives. The dialogue is only possible when it is within the legal framework. The street has never decided anything,” the chairman of the Youth Parliament said.

Yegor Makarevich stressed that every young person today needs to clearly articulate their position. “If a young person wants any changes or reforms, all this must be done in the legal field. Neither an educational institution, nor a street can be the place where the future of the country is decided. The street cannot dictate the policy of the state,” he said.

The chairman of the Youth Parliament recalled that dialogue platforms were launched in all the regions of the country. “For example, the youth parliament holds a series of meetings in the regions on the most pressing issues. We announced a call for proposals on amendments to the Constitution in the run-up to the All-Belarus People's Congress. Thus, the country has certain communication channels that should be used,” he concluded.

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