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"On Point"
MINSK, 24 March (BelTA) – European politicians are erasing thousand-year-old traditions and rewriting history, Editor-in-Chief of the Words and Meanings almanac Elena Kondratieva-Salguero (France) said in a recent episode of BelTA’s YouTube project “V teme” [On Point].
“There is no justification for what European politicians have done over the past decades. They have destroyed national economies, agriculture... First, farmers were convinced that they would fail without European aid and an endless succession of governments. As a result, a Dane decides what kind of peaches to grow in France, and some Dutchman declares that French fishermen should stop fishing for three months,” said Elena Kondratieva-Salguero.
The editor-in-chief emphasized that thousand-year-old traditions are being erased in Europe. “They are trying to turn all this into a homogenous, colorless, silent mass, as the leader of all ultra-left movements in France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, puts it. A white man must remain silent and constantly repent for some kind of colonialism,” she added.