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22 November 2022, 18:35

Opinion: Belarusian and Russian journalists should exchange best practices

MINSK, 22 November (BelTA) - Belarusian and Russian journalists should coordinate their activities as much as possible, political scientist Aleksei Dzermant told BelTA.

Belarus and Russia are part of the common civilizational and information space. "Belarus and the Russian Federation are part of the comon information space. Other states throw flows of information at us and it is important that Belarusian and Russian journalists coordinate their activities, exchange best practices, methods of work. It is important that this happens on an ongoing basis," he said.

Aleksei Dzermant also highlighted the importance of regional media outlets of the two countries. "Large media, metropolitan publications, small regional newspapers - each carries an important layer of information for readers. It is necessary that journalists have a good understanding of the global context of the events taking place. Sometimes a journalist on the spot will be able to convey important international information to readers in a simple and understandable language. In this case, interaction with Russian colleagues is also very important, it is necessary to constantly exchange experience," the expert said.

Belarus and the Russian Federation will soon set up an association of regional press in addition to the existing journalistic expert communities. "This will be another leitmotif for the development of journalism in our countries," Aleksei Dzermant concluded.

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