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13 March 2020, 18:54

Opinion: All the conditions for the self-realization of young people are available in Belarus

MINSK, 13 March (BelTA) – Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova has taken part in the nationwide campaign “We are citizens of Belarus!” staged by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union BRSM. During a solemn ceremony held in the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament to present passports to 14-year-old boys and girls she wished them to worthily continue the development of sovereign Belarus, BelTA has learned.

As many as 18 boys and girls from all parts of the country visited the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament on 13 March. Despite their young age they have already achieved a lot in studies, sports, and arts.

Natalya Kochanova told the young citizens: “Endeavor to work in a manner that will bring glory to your country. What you will be like depends a lot on what the country will be like. Do everything possible to keep Belarus sovereign, independent, and loved by all of us.”

Natalya Kochanova remarked that it had become a good tradition in Belarus to present passports to outstanding young citizens on the eve of Constitution Day. The speaker pointed out that the 75th anniversary of the great victory will be celebrated this year. “Passports are not simply a personal identification document. This document places special responsibilities on every person. The most important thing for you now is studying. You should do everything to be worthy of the generations that secured the freedom and independence of our country, that restored it from the ashes, and be worthy of those, who created sovereign Belarus,” the senator stressed. She added that all the conditions had been enabled in Belarus for young Belarusians to realize their plans, endeavors, and ideas. All these guarantees are stipulated by the Constitution, the fundamental law of the country.

Natalya Kochanova

While talking to reporters, Natalya Kochanova said she in a good way envies the kids, who receive their passports during a solemn ceremony. “I see their excitement and I myself feel excitement at this moment. It is very important when you get your passport in such a solemn setting,” she opined.

Dedicated to Constitution Day, the nationwide campaign “We are citizens of Belarus!” is taking place all over the world. As part of the campaign heads of government agencies, public figures, and other outstanding Belarusians present passports to over 4,000 young Belarusians. This year's campaign began in the Palace of Independence on 10 March where Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko presented passports to the country's top 25 school students. The campaign will end in the Constitutional Court on 15 March.

Nationwide campaigns “We are citizens of Belarus!” have been held since 2004 upon the initiative of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union BRSM.

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