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19 March 2020, 17:52

Operations and Analysis Center, beCloud busy creating national smart platform in Belarus

MINSK, 19 March (BelTA) – The Operations and Analysis Center under the Belarus President and the cloud computing provider beCloud are busy creating a national smart platform, representatives of the Operations and Analysis Center told BelTA.

BeCloud is the operator of the smart platform while OAO CNIITU is a co-developer. The Operations and Analysis Center together with beCloud plays the coordinating role in digitizing spheres of activity of the state, the private sector, and people's lives.

According to the source, vigorous digitization of all spheres of life requires consolidation and joint decisions from all market players. There is an abundance of unconnected systems for collecting, transmitting, processing, and storing data of smart devices. Since the data is stored in different data centers, interaction of heterogeneous smart devices that belong to different systems is complicated or impossible. With this approach comprehensive analysis of information and centralized control over the situation are impossible. The national smart platform will offer a universal solution that will unite information systems and technological solutions for the development of smart cities in Belarus.

“BeCloud company has the necessary infrastructure for creating a national smart platform. A well-developed data network, a reliable and technologically advanced data center, cloud technologies, 4G communications now and 5G communications in the future will allow the company to offer effective and reliable solutions for implementing smart projects to all participants and users of the platform,” Oleg Belyakov, a representative of the Operations and Analysis Center, believes.

Initially the smart platform will be a technological solution that will allow collecting data from all the smart devices. The secure environment of beCloud's national cloud computing platform will ensure reliable storage of collected information, its processing, and analysis. The project will also use Internet of Things, Big Data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence technologies. The joint use of the resources and data by various agencies will allow making the urban environment smarter, more convenient, and safer for residents.

beCloud's smart platform will offer effective and modern smart solutions to consumers. The project will allow accomplishing state tasks and commercial tasks. From the point of view of data analysis and collection the platform's services will offer ways to save government money and raise the quality of products and services. However, not only legal persons but individuals will benefit from and use the services the platform will offer. For instance, residents will be able to get analytical information regarding the consumption of utility services, recommendations about the most profitable tariffs, and other kinds of useful information, beCloud Director General Oleg Sedelnik stressed.

The national smart platform will become the nucleus of smart solutions in the spheres of the manufacturing sector, healthcare, transport, vehicular traffic, utilities industry, environmental protection, and the rest. The first R&D results will be presented at the Smart City Forum Minsk in mid-2020. Belarus' capital city is supposed to become the first urban smart site in practice.

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