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18 January 2024, 18:39

National plan on organizing Year of Quality adopted in Belarus

The seat of government. An archive photo
The seat of government. An archive photo
MINSK, 18 January (BelTA) – A national action plan on organizing the Year of Quality has been adopted in Belarus. It is stipulated by the Council of Ministers’ resolution No.41 of 16 January 2024, BelTA learned from the national legislation registry.

The document specifies 69 projects, steps, and measures aimed at enhancing Belarus’ economic potential, at securing quality indicators by stimulating a proactive attitude, forming personal civic responsibility for reaching high quality of living, and providing information coverage for the Year of Quality. Their goals, mechanisms, implementation periods, individuals and agencies in charge of realizing them have also been specified.

Plans are in place to provide legislative support for the Year of Quality (development and adoption of a number of laws), improve customs administration procedures, expand the network of centers for promoting technologies and innovations and improve their operation, including by means of developing a digital platform to enable interaction between participants of this network.

Apart from that, the plan provides for expanding CCTV coverage of Belarusian forests for the sake of detecting wildlife fires in a timely manner, for retooling and modernizing manufacturing facilities, for maintaining high quality of public roads. The plan also provides for developing the functionality of the portal for evaluating the operation of service providers, which enable daily activities of the population and/or provide administrative services, in addition to popularizing the portal. Plans are in place to introduce and organize various contests of innovators, labor-saving ideas, and professional skills on a large scale. Community liaison offices will be organized in order to receive the nation’s proposals on how to improve the quality of life and available services. Plans are also in place to expand the use of potential natural medical resources by introducing new kinds of medical services and sanatorium treatment programs in all the sanatoriums and resorts. The practice of using additional pension insurance programs will be expanded.

Measures will also be taken this year to improve the quality of life in rural areas by means of implementing a complex of projects, events, and steps aimed at enabling comfortable life conditions for citizens in rural areas, by developing modern social infrastructure, engineering infrastructure, and transport infrastructure that enable the established living standards.

The action plan also provides for working out a concept on preparing individuals with special needs for working careers, family life, their socialization and integration into the society.

Sections dedicated to the Year of Quality will be created on websites of government agencies, oblast administrations, and the Minsk City Executive Committee. Information about events timed to the Year of Quality will be published there. Reviews about the Year of Quality will also be published in social networks.

Apart from that, the plan provides for manufacturing and retailing apparel (merchandise) dedicated to the Year of Quality by prominent Belarusian brands. Ceremonies to award state quality marks will be organized.

The State Standardization Committee of Belarus has been authorized to coordinate efforts of government agencies and other organizations as they labor to carry out the action plan.

The Council of Ministers resolution came into force on 16 January 2024.

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